Soul Geek

14 de jun. de 2011

Nimbuzz 3.2 para Symbian^3

Uma nova versão do Nimbuzz esta disponível 3.2 traz algumas melhorias!

 Improved Call Quality – thanks to peer to peer call connectivity.
 More space for your chats - for full screen chatting experience.
 Chat bubbles – that bring an iPhone like chat experience to your (Nokia) Symbian phone.
 Custom wallpapers in the chat screen – choose a color or an image from your gallery to display as background for your chats.
 Custom color for the text font in your chat screen
 Call Quality Indicator – so you can check the expected call quality before you make a call.
 Free Avatars – choose new and exciting avatars for your profile picture from N-World
 Last Seen Online - shows you the last time your friend was seen on Nimbuzz.
 Fast group selection – straight from your contact list.

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